Friday 10 February 2017

Account of Shoot Day

Start Filming Day at 13:30

13:30 - Leave School with equipment and drive to setting of film

13:50 - Arrive at location and set up camera, lighting, props and tripod

14:30 -  Costumes put on and camera and lighting positioning for first scene

14:45 - Film first scene in bedroom, shooting each aspect in a different angle so we have variance to play with when editing.

15:25 - Film second scene down the stairs and in the hall way, changing the position of the camera and editing the lighting to fit with our dark theme. Also filming several shots to have variance when editing as well as trying out different lighting to see what fits our theme the most appropriately.

16:00 - Film third scene in Living room, Applying all the relevant changes to a move in location such as transferring the camera and lighting equipment from upstairs to downstairs. Again filming different angles so editing becomes easier ad we are not limited to shots.

16:35 - Lay out props for the fourth and final scene in the Kitchen. Also applying fake blood on the floor. Move equipment from living room/

16:50 - Film final scene in Kitchen in different shots.

17:30 - Clean up all props and makeup

17:45 - Watch over all clips to see if any more filming is needed

18:15 - Disassemble all equipment safely and put them back into boxes.

Finished Filming Day at 18:30