Friday 21 July 2017

Music Video Tips

  1. The Music video will be our bands first release, so it is important to make sure that it is successful
  2. We will start by creating the image of the band. This includes: style of the song and instruments required so that they can realistically mime the track.
  3. It is up to us to get the word out about our band via various marketing techniques and digipacks  in order to construct our band a fan base
  4. The best type of music videos contain three different narrative strands, a performance element which the label think is vital as it acts as a save, a lip sync element and a narrative element which will be led by genre and style
  5. the music video will consist of constant cutting between these narrative strands
  6. We are advised to make a 'Mood film' or press hat involves a set of images to create a short film to demonstrate the ideas for the final product. this helps us to clarify the idea and identify any potential problems

Target Audience Questionnaire

Ignore the link name

Music Video Ideas Feedback

Feedback on Music Video Ideas

Having discussed our ideas with my media teacher, we have come to the conclusion that the best idea was to use the song 'Let It Go' by James Bay and use the narrative explained in the prezi in my previous blog post.

We did not choose idea 1 from our prezi as the narrative was extremely similar to the music video itself (7 Years) and would not achieve a high mark in comparison to the other ideas mentioned. Also, it would be relatively hard to get an actor of all ages to feature who looks similar throughout his life. Moreover, the other ideas would be too difficult to film s they would be reliant on having a range of people filming at the same time as well as being able to film in crowded streets with a lack of space. The idea of a relationship for the other ideas is difficult as it relies on a weak narrative with less of a backstory.

The basic idea we have at this point gives us flexibility to go off in a number of directions that would enhance the video. We feel that the more range of shots we have as well as a wider narrative allows us to have more opportunities to develop our idea and get a good grade.

What we now need to do is the following:

- think of a good actor to play the singer
- get them to practice lip-syncing
- create a storyboard
- think of locations that reinforce our narrative (hampstead heath)
- develop an image for the artist
- think of various narrative strands as well as a potential performance element

- music videos/more visual with prezis and e-maze
- get the lip sync video on
- star image blog
- maroon 5 narrative

New Music Video Ideas

Monday 3 July 2017

Potential Ideas for Music Video

 Zoom in on framed picture of couple during violent argument. Zoom out slowly with blur to show him by himself looking at the image remembering good times.

Man goes back to various locations by himself - emphasised his loneliness. (potentially watching over couple during the flashbacks). This would be complex to incorporate in to our video which makes it unrealistic.

Lip syncing by himself in busy locations with time lapse behind - showing time passing but him staying still. With special lighting after effects. This idea is realistic and likely to be used in our music video - see other blog for more detail.

Split screen at end of video showing montage/quick cuts of different moments in their relationship - representing their roller-coaster ride. Brings everything to a close and enables viewer to clearly understand narrative.