Friday 13 January 2017

Risk Assessment

Stepping on glass - High risk as this can be dangerous due to glass being sharp. we will be careful as the actor will have slippers on and we will insure they remain on the entire time so no harm is caused during the filming of the sequence.

Wires from camera - May trip over the whilst filming and injure yourself. We will make sure this doesn't happen by constantly reminding each other throughout filming that the wires are there so no damage is done whilst filming. Low Risk

Danger from knives/hammer - Very sharp so might scratch yourself. We will make sure no damage is done by constantly holding the knife downwards in between filming scenes so no accidental accidents occur. This is very high risk and one we will constantly monitor throughout.

Falling downstairs with camera - Camera is heavy so risk of losing control of feet and falling. We will make sure this is not done by walking carefully with the camera tightly gripped to our hands. Maintaining the quality of the camera is vital as we don't want to pay for any damages. Medium Risk

Putting up tripod - Can cut yourself or hurt yourself when putting it up. We will construct the tripod slowly and carefully to ensure this doesn't happen. Low Risk.

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