Thursday 27 October 2016

Skyfall Essay

How is gender represented in the extract of Skyfall?


This extract of Skyfall showed a difference in gender roles in comparison to other films. The importance of a male or female character was shown through camera angles, sound, editing and mis-en scene.

We initially see that the camera is behind Bond and is tracking him as he advances around the room, this represents that he is a leader. We then begin to see an over the shoulder shot of him caring for a fellow colleague and disobeying orders from M to take care of him, showing that he is a caring hero. This is an unusual section where Bond was the authoritative figure and disobeyed orders given to him by M. This is a counter typical situation as you rarely see a woman in a position of power over the man, giving him orders and getting constant respect.  The behind tracking shot is then contradicted by a diegetic voiceover Bond receives in his hear from M. He is being given instructions and isn’t in charge. Furthermore, the eye line match demonstrates he is searching for a stolen object in the room and he is the hero in this scene. The tight fitted black suit shows he is important.


In the second scene, we see a wide shot of Bond when he gets into the car with Moneypenny. This was chosen to show he is powerful. Contrastingly, we see that she is driving the car when they are chasing the enemies in this fast paced, action packed scene. This is counter typical as you would usually see a male driving the car. This is overshadowed when Moneypenny breaks both wing mirrors whilst at high speed, putting a sense a reality back into the counter typical scene.  The fasted paced non-diegetic music throughout the scene, shows he is chasing someone and he is the hero as well as increasing the tension so one is exciting for the upcoming events. The cross cutting in this scene between Bond and M shows she is in power and control over his actions, further emphasising the counter typical behaviour. M is given her own individual office when everyone else has a shared one as well as her office being in front of every one so she can look out on what they are doing shows she is the most powerful figure.


In the final scene, we encounter diegetic dialogue between Bond and Moneypenny. The essence of the conversation shows that Bond is again superior and in control of their actions. This is shown through a low angle shot looking up at Bond from her view, reassuring his power and status. The close up of M is used to focus us on her facial expressions of seriousness, calmness and authority. The eye line match used in the final scene of the extract shows that Bond is putting himself into danger. This is then again showed through the change between the close up and the birds eye view of the landscape to show us he is high up and could be in potential danger.


Overall, we see throughout this extract that M is seen as a countertype and quite a masculine character as well as having power and asserting her authority over Bond and Moneypenny at appropriate times. Additionally, Bond is seen as powerful and heroic and the archetypal male that the young children want to grow up to be like! Finally, Moneypenny is personified as a stereotypical sidekick who conforms to stereotypical gender expectations by allowing a man to take control over actions and responsibilities. However, she does have some power as she was allowed to drive the car throughout the chase.



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