Monday 31 October 2016

Different Types Of Opening Sequences Used In Films

Different Types Of Opening Sequences Used In Films

In a title sequence:

  • Shows us the main characters/their names 
  • A sense of the location
  • Tells us the era it is set in
  • Shows the genre
  • Reveals the title
  • A preview of the narrative
  • Atmosphere/tone of the film - mis-en scene

Opening Sequence of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo:

  • Fast paced rock music - action film
  • saw characters names 
  • short story shown - chance of love then destroyed
  • revealed genre of thriller/action
  • objects thrown in the air signifies violence
  • Don't see a face - mysterious
  • narrative = hackers/surveillance/technology 
  • this is a discrete title sequence - no clear description of actors and story line. 

The Traditional Title Sequence:

  • Introduction of main characters 
  • clear sense of genre,location and narrative
  • Sense of tone of film
  • font is genre specific

Straight into the Film:

  • Straight into the first scene with no title sequence. 
  • Opening scene usually defines the narrative and plot
  • most likely in action or horror

The Stylised Opening Sequence:

  • Combination of straight into it and traditional sequence e.g. Skyfall
When creating my own sequence, i would use the straight into the film sequence as it is the most effective because it doesn't allow one to create misconceptions of the narrative as it almost straight away demonstrates what it is about. 

I analysed the opening sequence to The Incredibles. I liked this title sequence because it was traditional and was simple to understand the genre of action and adventure and a clear way to establish the narrative and main characters. 

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