Saturday 9 December 2017

Comparing Similar Music Videos to Ours

These videos are very similar to ours. The first is similar due to it having the artists singing in the studio with a guitar, whilst having more than just one location in the video. This is like ours as we have our singer in the studio, as well as having him at a different location. It also has the same negative lyrics to it.

The second video is almost identical to ours - this is because it has our artist singing alone in one place, as well as the artist having flashbacks about his past relationship, where some are good memories and some are bad memories. The tone of this video is similar to ours as it's dull and depressing, and the artist gives a lot of meaning and passion when singing it as it is very meaningful to him.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

A DigiPak

What is a digipak?
a type of packaging for CDs or DVDs, typically made from cardboard with an internal plastic holder for one or more discs.

Digipak-style cases grew in popularity among record labels and recording artists in the early 2000s

Digipak-style packaging is often used for CD singles or special editions of CD albums and the tall DVD Digipak (DVDigipak) is used as a premium package for DVDs and DVD sets. Such packaging is less resistant to abrasion than jewel cases, so it tends to show signs of wear relatively quickly. Licensed digipak manufacturers such as domestic U.S. printer and disc replicator Oasis Disc Manufacturing recommend coating the raw printed paper with a protective UV coating, thus ensuring greater longevity.

Image result for digipak layout

Target Audience Questionnaire

Research Into Similar Websites

Monday 20 November 2017

Research Into DigiPaks

Image result for declan mckenna digipakDeclan McKenna - Stains
Related imageHozier - Island

Image result for george ezra digipakGeorge Ezra - Wanted on Voyage

Image result for james bay digipak
James Bay - Chaos and the Calm 

Image result for ten tonnes digipakTen Tonnes - Royal Blood

We are researching into digipaks of artists who have a similar star image to us. From this, we can gain knowledge of the sort of front and back cover we should be producing in terms of lighting, camera shot, exposure of artist and font of writing. These artists all have a similar star image to ours therefore we can use their work as inspiration for our ideas in the hope that we produce content that is relevant to the star image of our artist. The majority of these digipaks have black as the main colour with contrasting colours surrounding it such as white and yellow. 75% of the digipaks have the song titles on their own with no picture in the background. 60% of the digipaks have an actual picture of the artist where as the other 2 are pictorial metaphors of how the artist is meant to be perceived by the consumer. They all include the name of the artist and the album name on the spine and a bar code. 

Feedback from First Edit

Media video changes 

  1. First shots: Jodie first then guitar then back to Jodie 
  2. 0.14 secs - close up of smarts playing guitar
  3. 0.20 seconds - slow down walking shots 
  4. 0.25 seconds - classic stabilise 
  5. 0.31 seconds - change transition 
  6. Extend shot of smarts singing “holding something we don’t need”
  7. 0.53 secs: 3 pans in a row in same direction must change! Get rid of shot saying ‘just let it be’
  8. Get rid of shot of smarts lying down on grass and shot of sky 
  9. 1:08 secs - change lighting (too bright)
  10. 1:12 secs - close up of smarts looking upset after Jodie slaps hand 
  11. 1:18 - change walking shots to more flashbacks 
  12. 1:30 - break up flashbacks between field walking 
  13. 2:23 - close up of rock rippling water needed after I throw rock
  14. 2:25 - zoom in to cut out people walking 
  15. 2:34 - get rid of shot me looking over river
  16. Montage of good times (flashbacks at the end) e.g Chinese lanterns/fireworks
  17. Put in some close ups

Photographs from Video/Shoot Day

Our Star Image

Our artist will be a young male adult. This will attract women to like our artist and watch our video. The typical audience for love songs are females therefore having an attractive male is important to make the video a success. The consumer wants a narrative that is relatable to their lives therefore a teenage romance keeps them interested and keen to watch because it will help them improve their own scenarios in their lives. He will be an organic singer who's main focus is to create good music for his fans to enjoy. We will show this through the artist playing guitar, signalling that he writes his own music and plays instruments throughout the song. This is showing that he is creative and talented enough to write music on his own. 

Similar Artists Album Covers

These are album covers from similar artists to our main male artist in our video. We are going to take inspiration from these designs to produce our own unique album artwork for our organic musician. Our album cover is likely to include our artist holding a guitar, emphasising his organic roots. We will not copy the original album cover as we will alter the star image as our artist is perceived in a slightly different way. 

These will help us determine the location, brightness and pose that our artist undertakes in the album cover. However, we are likely to use a darker coloured pictured to show the emotion of the album, therefore the audience can have a feel of what the album will be like and sympathise with the artist before they listen to the songs. 

Original Album cover for our song

Declan McKenna - What Do You Think About The Car?

Studio Album by Hozier

George Ezra - Wanted On Voyage

James Arthur - Back From The Edge

James Bay - The Chaos and The Calm

Ten Tonnes - Born To Lose

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Cast List

After an intense audition process, we decided to cast the following people in our music video:


Sam Martin - We chose this actor as one of our main protagonist because he fits the look we are trying to portray for the star image of the artist. Also, his lip syncing skills were excellent in the audition and we felt that overall he was the best fit for our main actor. 
Jodie Tomlinson - We chose this actress because we felt she had all the right attrritbutes to be our main actress. Her experience in acting helped as she is an A level drama student as well as her appererance in multiple films and music videos. Her look also fitted what we were looking for as well as her exceptional ability to portray emotion. 


Tommy Lustigman - Experienced film maker and producer of great moments. Works really well in a group and has the passion and drive to achieve big and be efficient. 

Louis Martin - Reliable time keeper as well as experienced driver. Gives great advice from a watching point of view to see how things can be altered or added. Transportation of equipment between locatrions. 

Oliver Gotkine - Great contributor of ideas as well as excellent guitar player. Provided the group with constant positivity and also experienced driver.

Rehearsals with Singers

Prior to shoot day, we felt it was necesary to get together with both male and female singers and do rehearsals of the song in preparation for the shoot day. Throughout this day, we brainstormed ideas of how we would film certain shots in our specific locations and targeted which scenes we would need to devote more time to in order to focus on getting the narrative to come across in the correct way.

In order for our shoot day to be efficient and successful, the singers spent that day learning the lyrics to the song. We felt this was a key part of the process as we did not want to keep stopping throughout the filming for both singers to be constantly looking at the lyrics on a phone/laptop. Furthermore, we include several shots of guitar playing in our video so we also used this day to ensure our guitar player knew all the relevant cords to play to ensure that it was quick and easy on shoot day.

Overall, we felt this day really helped our group as it was a great way to prepare for shoot day and also for the group to bond. This day enabled the process of filming to be much quicker and is the reason why we shot the majority of our video all in one day.

Risk Assessment

How we will combat risk
Camera dropping and breaking/dropping into the river
We put camera on a tripod so it was secure and there was no risk of falling. We kept it in its case when it was not in use
We looked at the weather prior to our filming day to make sure there was no rain.

Falling in the pond
Our actors stayed behind the barrier of the pond to stop risk of slipping in
Rocks thrown at people

Our male actor made sure that there was no one in the way of the rocks and practiced before shooting day.

Car crash on way to location

Our drivers were experienced on the road and so we trusted them transporting us from location to location.

No injury from items thrown at male artist

Our female actor didn't throw items with speed or aggression so our male actor could dodge the items with ease.
Camera running out of battery

We had a charger with us and recharged the camera several times throughout the day
Equipment getting stolen

We had full knowledge of the whereabouts of our equipment at all times