Monday 20 November 2017

Feedback from First Edit

Media video changes 

  1. First shots: Jodie first then guitar then back to Jodie 
  2. 0.14 secs - close up of smarts playing guitar
  3. 0.20 seconds - slow down walking shots 
  4. 0.25 seconds - classic stabilise 
  5. 0.31 seconds - change transition 
  6. Extend shot of smarts singing “holding something we don’t need”
  7. 0.53 secs: 3 pans in a row in same direction must change! Get rid of shot saying ‘just let it be’
  8. Get rid of shot of smarts lying down on grass and shot of sky 
  9. 1:08 secs - change lighting (too bright)
  10. 1:12 secs - close up of smarts looking upset after Jodie slaps hand 
  11. 1:18 - change walking shots to more flashbacks 
  12. 1:30 - break up flashbacks between field walking 
  13. 2:23 - close up of rock rippling water needed after I throw rock
  14. 2:25 - zoom in to cut out people walking 
  15. 2:34 - get rid of shot me looking over river
  16. Montage of good times (flashbacks at the end) e.g Chinese lanterns/fireworks
  17. Put in some close ups

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