Wednesday 8 November 2017

Cast List

After an intense audition process, we decided to cast the following people in our music video:


Sam Martin - We chose this actor as one of our main protagonist because he fits the look we are trying to portray for the star image of the artist. Also, his lip syncing skills were excellent in the audition and we felt that overall he was the best fit for our main actor. 
Jodie Tomlinson - We chose this actress because we felt she had all the right attrritbutes to be our main actress. Her experience in acting helped as she is an A level drama student as well as her appererance in multiple films and music videos. Her look also fitted what we were looking for as well as her exceptional ability to portray emotion. 


Tommy Lustigman - Experienced film maker and producer of great moments. Works really well in a group and has the passion and drive to achieve big and be efficient. 

Louis Martin - Reliable time keeper as well as experienced driver. Gives great advice from a watching point of view to see how things can be altered or added. Transportation of equipment between locatrions. 

Oliver Gotkine - Great contributor of ideas as well as excellent guitar player. Provided the group with constant positivity and also experienced driver.

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