Saturday 22 April 2017

Evaluation Task 4 - Who would be the audience for my media product?

I think the suitable age for our film would be 15 years and above. I feel this is the suitable age bracket for our film because it contains dangerous threats of death using weapons that could be used to kill. The age of 15 is suitable because they have been educated about the awareness of these topics and have seen a lot of it in other films as well as on social media.

This age is suitable for the content displayed in our film because the youngest people allowed to watch have been exposed to this sort of graphic content before and i feel they would be able to handle it mentally as it wouldn't be a completely whole new experience for them as they are used to seeing these sorts of things on social media and video games.

The age bracket for the film isn't higher (18+) because no actual death takes place and only the threat of death occurs. Throughout our 2 minute clip, only threat makes it eligible for a 15 however if we were to show the gruesome scenes of death then we would be coerced to raise the minimum age that would be required to watch the film. Furthermore, it is 15 because it doesn't contain any sexual content or bad language that would be of a bad influence to a 15 year old.

Our film is not suitable for 12-14 bracket because aspects of the sequence contain the threat of moderate violence with the use of blood to imply that death will take place.

Image result for 15 movie rating

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