Sunday 23 April 2017

Evaluation Task 5 - Have you attracted/addressed your target audience?

This poster would appeal to my secondary target audience more than my primary target audience. This is because people in the 24-35 age bracket would be more interested in the producers and the directors of the film because they take an interest in the roles of the crew and that is why we displayed this information in the poster, whereas people in the 15-24 age bracket would prefer a more simple poster and would be more interested in the actual story line rather than the people who made the film, that is why the primary audience poster will be a lot plainer with less words, more pictures and brighter colours. This secondary audience poster has a phrase below the title to give it more thrill and emphasise the fact that it's a scary thriller film and also because people associate a film with a phrase below as serious and cultured. The picture does this too, and gives the poster more of a scary look and may encourage people to see the film so they continue their suspense from the scary look of the poster. We also included quotes from newspapers in the poster, as this would encourage people to come and see it if others said it was a good film. Popular newspaper ratings encourage people to want to see if the film lives up to the popular ratings. 

This poster would appeal to my primary audience of ages 15-24 rather than the secondary audience of 24-35. This is because a younger audience are more interested in the image, narrative and the film name rather than newspaper ratings and the name of the crew. We used the results from this research to make our primary audience poster contain a lot less words, a bigger image and a cool colour contrast. We included the same picture but in bigger size and with a different effect so the primary audience still know who the main protagonist is (therefore they are following the story line) as well as maintaining the scary nature to the film. We moved the title and subtitle but remained with the same font so the focus was solely on the picture. We included the name of the main actor in this poster but did not include the name of the smaller characters and the cast and crew as we felt the primary audience are not interested in these names and this way we hype the pre sell element. 

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