Wednesday 27 September 2017

Schedule of Shooting Day

Cast Required
10:00 - 10:30
Arrive at Tommy’s house and set up equipment
Crew required but no actors.
Camera,  stand, lighting, tripod
10:30 – 12:00
Shoot flashbacks in the house. Bedroom, lounge, kitchen.
Both male and female actors needed
Pre-set costumes as stated on previous posts.
12:00 – 12:20
Shoot violent scenes containing blood and abuse.
Both male and female actors required
Fake blood and make up. Same costume as before.
12:20 – 13:30
Dis-assembling equipment, leaving to travel to Hampstead heath and lunch.
No actors needed but all crew needed to put away equipment.
No costume needed.
13:30 – 13:45
Arrive at location and assemble equipment.
No actors needed but all crew needed to assemble equipment.
Camera, stand, lighting, tripod.
13:45 – 16:30
Shoot all scenes on heath and streets around heath.
Both male and female actors required. All crew needed for scene changeovers, lighting and filming.
New costume. More covered up clothes as outside and cold. Picture frame and flowers.
16:30 – 18:30
Disassemble equipment and leave the heath. Go to Oli’s house nearby and shoot lantern scene after sunset.
Both male and female actors required. All crew needed for scene changeovers, lighting and filming.
Lanterns. Same costume as before.

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Star Image of my Artist

Image result for declan mckennaDeclan McKennaImage result for junior empire lead singerJunior Empire

Image result for ten tonnesTen Tonnes

We will be looking to replicate the image of these artists because they are all young and trendy and wear similar clothes that we have pictured our artist to wear. We feel it is important for us to aspire to replicate the star image of these artists because they are the finished product that we want our artist to be. By researching into their look, it is clear to see that all these 3 artists follow the same clothing style meaning they are mostly all appealing to the same target audience. By conducting further research into their music, they also all match our artists style in the sense that they are all organic artists who create music themselves and are not controlled by their record companies. They pride themselves on their music and want to appeal to a wide variety of audiences however still strive to look modern and not like a typical organic band/musician.

Story Board

When constructing our storyboard for our music video, Creating it clearly helped to visualise the idea and make it come to life as this is the first real thing we have done on paper in comparison to drafting different ideas. Furthermore, creating the storyboard helped us think about how destinations can be used in the video as we began to think about the use of the locations and what we can do there as well as potential shots we can use. Another good thing about creating the storyboard is that it has helped us to work our our narrative clearly as we have set the story out step by step in the board form where as before it was all small ideas with no chronological order. Whilst creating the storyboard and considering the length of time it took just to create it, we have now realised the enormity of the task ahead in which we will need a wide variety of different shots as well as the amount of time is going to take to film every scene with no mistakes.

Thursday 21 September 2017


Animatic Feedback

Feedback enabled us to see that our shots were too slow and long. This allowed us to realise that we had to create more shots, as we each shot was too long. We therefore decided to include more close ups to cut between his star image and narrative, which sold the artist yet also expand on the narrative. This is something we wished we had done for our films last year as it would have helped us in the planning of our editing. After finishing the animatic, we knew the narrative we were going for and could then focus on what special effects and editing techniques to use in post production in order to make our music video professional and higher quality.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Re Think of the Synopsis

we are adding a location to the streets of London to create the metaphor and a new synopsis of life passing him by whilst he is standing still and stuck in his previous relationship. We are doing this as we wanted to film in the streets of London and instead of people walking by being in the way, we are incorporating them into our narrative so they become part of the story.

Image result for streets of london
Image result for streets of london

Thursday 14 September 2017

Developed Idea Feedback

From our audience feedback, the following questions were posed to us about our idea and how we need to develop further:

Q: How can it be weird? explain?
By weird, it was meant more as a way of subverting love song video stereotypes. We can subvert these conventional videos by adding negative flashbacks and dark colours which is different to normal as its pretty flowers and bright colours. 

Q: How will the toxic relationship be shown? be specific?
The toxic relationship will be shown throughout the video by using negative flashbacks of the bad times they were together. Things like aggressive arguments such as pushing as well as violence and distance apart. It will become obvious through camera shots such as low angle, high angle, close ups and over the shoulder shots.  

Q: be specific about the house? who's house? what house? what room?
We will film the flashbacks in Tommy's house in his bedroom and lounge as these are common places where couples have arguments and we can use this to film as part of our music video. Having another location adds another element to our video as it gives us more things to add to fill the time as we cannot fill all the 3 minutes in the park. 

Q: Performance element? if so location.
The performance element will be the lip syncing of the song throughout the video. As well as the toxic relationship narrative, we want to get across the message that the artist needs to enhance their star image therefore we are making him lip sync. Our artist will lip sync in our locations around the house as well as Primrose Hill. 

Q: Think about filming at night. Research required.
We have been advised that filming at night is difficult and requires a lot of editing post production therefore we are reviewing the decision and will research into it before confirming. We will look into how to film at night as well as weighing up the positives and negatives for the narrative.  

Q: Think carefully about actors. Rehearsals needed and pick wisely.
We have not decided about who to cast in our music video yet. We need someone who can act as part of a broken relationship with a boy and a girl as well as a boy who can do that and lip sync and know all the words to our song. We will be casting people shortly and we will take time over our decision. 

Developed Idea

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Mood Board

As you can see we have integrated different elements of our music video. We have shown the locations of where the video will be set, as well as different emotions that will be portrayed by our actors, such as being heartbroken and angry.

Similar clothes used in other music videos

As shown in the following music videos, the people in these videos are wearing dark colours when singing their song as part of the narrative. The idea is similar as they have a problem in the song which is the reason why they are wearing dark colours - it emphasises the mood and is an indirect way of showing the mood of the artist in that period of the song. The clothes worn in this video are similar to ours because we are following the same path of wearing dark colour to indirectly show that their is a problem.


The man will be wearing a black and white t-shirt. This implies that he has done something bad (black) but he's not all bad (White)

Image result for man in black white tshirt

The girl will be wearing a white t-shirt to show she's innocent

Image result for girl wearing white tshirt

During the flashbacks, they'll be wearing the normal clothes that people would wear in that situation e.g. pyjamas for the scene of the flashback in bed

Image result for couple wearing pyjamas

Props Needed

We will need the following for our music video:

Fake blood - this is when blood will start to bleed from their hearts
Image result for fake blood

Bottle of alcohol - this is for the first image of the girl when she is sitting down and drinking alcohol against a wall

Image result for drinking vodka eastenders

Framed picture of the couple - this is for when he picks it up in the bedroom

Image result for framed picture of couple

Flowers - this is in case there aren't any at primrose hill, for when they are throwing the flowers
Image result for flowers

Envelope with letter - this is for the scene when he finds the breakup letter on the bed

Image result for envelope with letter

Bag and clothes - for the flashback of the argument

Related imageImage result for man in black white tshirt

Research Into Locations

1. Primrose hill - this is where the majority will be shot

Image result for primrose hill

2. Bedroom - this is the shot when he's in bed with the girl which changes to him looking at a photo of them, which is on the bedside table. Also another bedroom shot when there's a flashback of the man when he finds the break-up letter on his bed

Image result for bed in a house

3. On a street - one time, the couple will be arguing during a flashback, and the other times will be when the man and woman are sitting on the streets at the start of their video

Image result for street

4. Bathroom - in one shot, the man will be looking in the mirror during a panning shot
Image result for man looking in mirror

Shot by Shot list/ Timeline

*The amount blood will be increasing every shot (from shot 20)
  1. Different panning shots of couple in different locations during piano solo (man on a bench, woman drinking against a wall)
  2. Shot of man standing and walking in rain (miming) - From walking home and talking loads
  3. Shot of woman standing up drunk (no mime) - To seeing shows in evening clothes with you
  4. Video of the couple happy in bed fades to him waking up to no one (leads to next bit) - From nervous touch and getting drunk
    To staying up and waking up with you
  5. Man looks at picture frame of them and puts it down - Music break
  6. Shot of man walking up hill - But now we're slipping at the edge
    Holding something we don't need
  7. Shot of woman walking up and picking up grass and letting it go - All this delusion in our heads
    Is gonna bring us to our knees
  8. *CHORUS* Man lying down on hill camera pans behind him (no mime) - So come on, let it go
  9. Shot of woman sitting on hill - Just let it be
  10. Eyeline match of both looking up to the skies at the clouds - Why don't you be you
    And I'll be me?
  11. Flashback of argument, includes shouting and her throwing his bag at him - Everything that's broke
    Leave it to the breeze
    Why don't you be you
    And I'll be me?
  12. Close up of man miming - And I'll be me
  13. Man getting up and walking further uphill, same with woman - During music solo
  14. Flashback of them being playful to him finding a letter on the bed - From throwing clothes across the floor
    To teeth and claws and slamming doors at you
  15. Back to man walking up hill - If this is all we're living for
  16. Man sits down on hill - Why are we doing it, doing it anymore?
  17. Pan of man looking in mirror, changes to something else in mirror when you can't see mirror due to pan - I used to recognize myself
    It's funny how reflections change
  18. Shot of woman sitting down - When we're becoming something else
  19. Shot of woman getting up and walking - I think it's time to walk away
  20. *CHORUS* Shot of man walking up hill again - So come on, let it go
  21. Shot of woman walking up hill again - Just let it be
  22. Flashback of them doing Chinese lanterns at night - Why don't you be you
    And I'll be me?
  23. Shot of man holding his heart as he's walking up - Everything that's broke
  24. Shot of woman holding heart as she's walking up - Leave it to the breeze
  25. Pan of man looking down at hand, down to the blood on the hand - Why don't you be you
    And I'll be me?
  26. Shot of woman looking down at bloody hand - And I'll be me
  27. Flashback of the couple walking down a street holding hands, to shot of man walking on his own down the same street - Trying to fit your hand inside of mine
    When we know it just don't belong
    There's no force on earth
    Could make it feel right, no
  28. Man walking up hill, showing that the blood on his chest has increased - There's no force on earth
    Could make it feel right, no
  29. *SKIPS TO CHORUS*(The slow one, cutting out the rest) - Split screen of man and woman both throwing flowers angrily, including close up of flowers dropping in slo mo, changes into the same image but without the split screen (both in same place) - So come on, let it go
    Just let it be
    Why don't you be you
    And I'll be me?
  30. (Very last line edited in) Ends on a close up of flowers that were thrown, that ended up all together - And I'll be me

Organic and Synthetic Album Covers

There are many differences between album covers for synthetic artists and organic artists. Organic artists, for example, Ed Sheeran and James Bay, have albums in which their actual picture isn't on.

For example:

Image result for ed sheeran album coverImage result for ed sheeran album cover
Image result for james bay album cover

However, some organic artists do have their image on the front. However, it's less 'set up' than synthetic singers. For example:

Image result for ed sheeran album coverImage result for olly murs album cover

Here, the difference is that the Ed Sheeran (organic) picture is a lot less edited than the Olly Murs (synthetic) cover.

Therefore, synthetic album covers are more edited and take a lot more 'effort' than organic singers.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Our Song Choice

"Let It Go"

From walking home and talking loads
To seeing shows in evening clothes with you
From nervous touch and getting drunk
To staying up and waking up with you
But now we're sleeping at the edge
Holding something we don't need
All this delusion in our heads
Is gonna bring us to our knees
So come on let it go
Just let it be
Why don't you be you
And I'll be me
Everything's that's broke
Leave it to the breeze
Why don't you be you
And I'll be me[x2]
From throwing clothes across the floor
To teeth and claws and slamming doors at you
If this is all we're living for
Why are we doing it, doing it, doing it anymore
I used to recognize myself
It's funny how reflections change
When we're becoming something else
I think it's time to walk away
So come on let it go
Just let it be
Why don't you be you
And I'll be me
Everything's that's broke
Leave it to the breeze
Why don't you be you
And I'll be me[x2]
Trying to fit your hand inside of mine
When we know it just don't belong
There's no force on earth
Could make me feel right, no
Trying to push this problem up the hill
When it's just too heavy to hold
Think now's the time to let it slide
So come on let it go
Just let it be
Why don't you be you
And I'll be me
Everything's that's broke
Leave it to the breeze
Let the ashes fall
Forget about me
Come on let it go
Just let it be
Why don't you be you
And I'll be me
And I'll be me

Image result for james bay let it go lyrics
Released on September 15th 2014
“Let It Go” is about young love that ultimately went wrong. After the couple’s tentatively cute time together, their relationship became forced and Bay ultimately suggests a breakup.
Its release history is interesting, to say the least. First, it was released as the lead single from Bay’s debut album, Chaos And The Calm in September 2014. However, it achieved much more mainstream success when it was re-released on May 12, 2015, reaching #10 on the UK singles charts and #23 on the US Billboard Hot 100. If that’s not enough, it has two videos: one released through VEVO on March 23, 2015, and an Apple Music exclusive video released on February 19, 2016.
He notably performed the song at the 2016 Grammys with Tori Kelly, playing this and Kelly’s song “Hollow.” Both were up for the Best New Artist award, and both lost to Meghan Trainor.
The song was cosigned by Taylor Swift early on.

Tips for making a better music video from No Film School

we have watched a video in the lesson from No Film School which took us through tips to improve our range of shots, lighting and the things we need to make our grade improve. We watched 2 clips of creative shots from 13 reasons why and stranger things to see examples of what they do to make it impressive.

  • Control of camera
  • the way in which panning, tilting, focus pull and zooming and how they are used to create meaning. 
  • Length of shot duration - in a music video, it is fine to play around with the same shot. Featuring it once in slow motion and again as a quick cut. 
  • Repetition of shots is acceptable in a music video as long as the lit is different. If a music video is slow paced, it is fine to have a shot that goes on for 10 seconds as long as there is variety in the camera movement (pan, tilt and track).
  • Lighting is key for creating meaning. As we see in stranger things, a dark subject matter e.g. Sci Fi, when lit in a certain way, can set a mood or a tone. Slow panning and tilting, slow pace and dark colours. 
  • To show movement of a character walking/running, it is best to film them going from left to right. Jump cuts can also be used frequently. 

I just watched this video on the No school film website and it taught me tips on how to improve the colour saturation when editing my music video. It instructed me that reducing the saturation in the shot whilst editing makes it look more professional and natural. Sometimes the shot that is supposed to be natural looks artificial and saturating the colour like done in this video enhances the quality so it looks better and can be a small difference in yours to others.  We can use this in our video when filming from a viewpoint as we can enhance the look of the skyscrapers by making the colours look natural. 

Friday 8 September 2017

Examples of a music video similar to mine

There are many similar artists including Passenger (let her go), Hozier (take me to church) and Daniel Merriweather (red)