Thursday 14 September 2017

Developed Idea Feedback

From our audience feedback, the following questions were posed to us about our idea and how we need to develop further:

Q: How can it be weird? explain?
By weird, it was meant more as a way of subverting love song video stereotypes. We can subvert these conventional videos by adding negative flashbacks and dark colours which is different to normal as its pretty flowers and bright colours. 

Q: How will the toxic relationship be shown? be specific?
The toxic relationship will be shown throughout the video by using negative flashbacks of the bad times they were together. Things like aggressive arguments such as pushing as well as violence and distance apart. It will become obvious through camera shots such as low angle, high angle, close ups and over the shoulder shots.  

Q: be specific about the house? who's house? what house? what room?
We will film the flashbacks in Tommy's house in his bedroom and lounge as these are common places where couples have arguments and we can use this to film as part of our music video. Having another location adds another element to our video as it gives us more things to add to fill the time as we cannot fill all the 3 minutes in the park. 

Q: Performance element? if so location.
The performance element will be the lip syncing of the song throughout the video. As well as the toxic relationship narrative, we want to get across the message that the artist needs to enhance their star image therefore we are making him lip sync. Our artist will lip sync in our locations around the house as well as Primrose Hill. 

Q: Think about filming at night. Research required.
We have been advised that filming at night is difficult and requires a lot of editing post production therefore we are reviewing the decision and will research into it before confirming. We will look into how to film at night as well as weighing up the positives and negatives for the narrative.  

Q: Think carefully about actors. Rehearsals needed and pick wisely.
We have not decided about who to cast in our music video yet. We need someone who can act as part of a broken relationship with a boy and a girl as well as a boy who can do that and lip sync and know all the words to our song. We will be casting people shortly and we will take time over our decision. 

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