Wednesday 13 September 2017

Shot by Shot list/ Timeline

*The amount blood will be increasing every shot (from shot 20)
  1. Different panning shots of couple in different locations during piano solo (man on a bench, woman drinking against a wall)
  2. Shot of man standing and walking in rain (miming) - From walking home and talking loads
  3. Shot of woman standing up drunk (no mime) - To seeing shows in evening clothes with you
  4. Video of the couple happy in bed fades to him waking up to no one (leads to next bit) - From nervous touch and getting drunk
    To staying up and waking up with you
  5. Man looks at picture frame of them and puts it down - Music break
  6. Shot of man walking up hill - But now we're slipping at the edge
    Holding something we don't need
  7. Shot of woman walking up and picking up grass and letting it go - All this delusion in our heads
    Is gonna bring us to our knees
  8. *CHORUS* Man lying down on hill camera pans behind him (no mime) - So come on, let it go
  9. Shot of woman sitting on hill - Just let it be
  10. Eyeline match of both looking up to the skies at the clouds - Why don't you be you
    And I'll be me?
  11. Flashback of argument, includes shouting and her throwing his bag at him - Everything that's broke
    Leave it to the breeze
    Why don't you be you
    And I'll be me?
  12. Close up of man miming - And I'll be me
  13. Man getting up and walking further uphill, same with woman - During music solo
  14. Flashback of them being playful to him finding a letter on the bed - From throwing clothes across the floor
    To teeth and claws and slamming doors at you
  15. Back to man walking up hill - If this is all we're living for
  16. Man sits down on hill - Why are we doing it, doing it anymore?
  17. Pan of man looking in mirror, changes to something else in mirror when you can't see mirror due to pan - I used to recognize myself
    It's funny how reflections change
  18. Shot of woman sitting down - When we're becoming something else
  19. Shot of woman getting up and walking - I think it's time to walk away
  20. *CHORUS* Shot of man walking up hill again - So come on, let it go
  21. Shot of woman walking up hill again - Just let it be
  22. Flashback of them doing Chinese lanterns at night - Why don't you be you
    And I'll be me?
  23. Shot of man holding his heart as he's walking up - Everything that's broke
  24. Shot of woman holding heart as she's walking up - Leave it to the breeze
  25. Pan of man looking down at hand, down to the blood on the hand - Why don't you be you
    And I'll be me?
  26. Shot of woman looking down at bloody hand - And I'll be me
  27. Flashback of the couple walking down a street holding hands, to shot of man walking on his own down the same street - Trying to fit your hand inside of mine
    When we know it just don't belong
    There's no force on earth
    Could make it feel right, no
  28. Man walking up hill, showing that the blood on his chest has increased - There's no force on earth
    Could make it feel right, no
  29. *SKIPS TO CHORUS*(The slow one, cutting out the rest) - Split screen of man and woman both throwing flowers angrily, including close up of flowers dropping in slo mo, changes into the same image but without the split screen (both in same place) - So come on, let it go
    Just let it be
    Why don't you be you
    And I'll be me?
  30. (Very last line edited in) Ends on a close up of flowers that were thrown, that ended up all together - And I'll be me

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