Wednesday 18 October 2017

Review of Filming Day

Friday 13th October 2017
An extremely successful day of filming for our music video for 'Let It Go' by James Bay. We have a range of shots from various camera angles so that when it comes to editing we have flexibility in choosing which shots look best/most effective in portraying our narrative and visual effects. All props were used effectively and outfits were changed from scene to scene to show different time periods when flashbacks happened and to outline the mood of our actors. Our actors were highly professional throughout and followed instructions very well so this made things very efficient when filming scenes so they were done with quality.

We filmed at two main locations:

- House in Edgware (bedroom, living room, hallway, drive)
- Hampstead Heath (by the lake, on top of the hill and on bench)

*screenshots of filming*

Things to Do:
- Shot all scenes of flashbacks except for Chinese lanterns (Tommy's house)
- Lip syncing footage filmed in various locations (Hampstead heath/surrounding areas). Still need to create time lapse on green screen of busy London road with cars going past behind male actor lip syncing.
- Looking to make significant progress in editing the music video over the next few weeks once all the footage is uploaded on to a platform and the editing software is downloaded.
  • Our filming day followed our schedule more or less. We spent a bit longer filming flashbacks at the house and a bit less time for lunch and travel. We devoted the same amount of hours than we planned and it turned out perfectly. We wanted a bit longer filming the lanterns at the end and the time lapse but we ran out of time because of family commitments. We will devote another day to this.
  • Filming in our 2 locations were very successful because we planned effectively. Once we arrived, we had a step by step guide on what to do, what shots to use and how long to film it for. This made things very efficient and allowed us to utilise our locations and film in more areas than we expected.
  • When planning our shot choices, we always wanted to film every scene in different shots so we had choices and flexibility when it came to editing. We stuck to this very closely however there were some scenes where we used a shot that wasn't on the plan.
  • Targets for the next filming day are to film the time lapse of streets of London as well as the lantern scenes with our actors. Stick to the plan and continue to do what we did the first filming day. We all worked very well together as a team.
Pictures of 2 locations below:

Image result for hampstead heath

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