Wednesday 21 February 2018

Audience Feedback on Website


  • Relevant Images that portray the correct star image. 
  • Good manipulation of images on Photoshop
  • Good information in the 'About' section gives fans a good insight to the road the artist has been to get to this point. 
  • Logos of hyperlinks to music downloads makes it relevant to the online age and also expands the range of people that can potentially access the music.
  • DigiPak on home section shows a good range of images and thought towards camera shots.
  • In the contact section, the image is great
  • Quote from big media company advertising new album '5 star' is great. 


  • Tour venues must be different and all over UK rather than just London
  • In the music section, change the picture and add the digipak
  • In the news section, the dates are wrong (2023)
  • In the about section, change the last paragraph to something more realistic. Upcoming artist, not a big artist yet. The picture for this section is too serious.    

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