Thursday 8 February 2018

Development of Website 2

We used a website called Wix to create our own website for our artist. We used it in many ways:

We had to delete a couple of page options from the home menu, such as 'gigs'. This was because we already created a 'tour' option, and felt that we only needed one of those two options.

We also had to change the menu bar at the top. This is because it originally clashed with the background image, and therefore it was difficult to see the options. This was done through changing the colour of the words or through changing the design of the bar, and we decided to do the latter.

We decided not to keep the same image as the background for each page, and gave ourselves several different options. This meant we had to take many different pictures and carefully choose which ones went on the website and which didn't. We also edited these images once selected, to make it look more based on our star image.

We chose different scroll effects, as we felt that choosing 'freeze' was more relevant than letting the page scroll down and view the image further. This wasn't necessary as some pages were quite long, and would've exceeded the length of our pictures and therefore may have changed to half the background being black.

We hyperlinked many of our options, to make it more of a realistic website. For example, when you wanted to buy a ticket it would take you to StubHub, or if you wanted to purchase the album it'd take you to iTunes. We felt that this was very necessary in order to make the website the best it could be.

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