Wednesday 21 March 2018

Post Feedback Editing Changes

1. We got some studio shots and replaced them with some of the original clips from our shoot day.

2. This was then updated and lip synced with the audio.

3. After this, we lowered the brightness for the studio shots so it was an almost black background. This made these shots more intense and emotional.

4. For one of the shots from the original shooting day, I made it look like there was 2 of our actor walking instead of just one.

5. I did this through the 'blend' effect, and put 2 layers of the same clip over each other, and clicked on the 'blend with layer' and blended the to images together. As well as this, I put a brightness effect whilst also providing the clip with the 'Track matte key', which further helped the effect on this clip.

6. On the shot with our female actor drinking, we slowed it down by changing the duration to 70%. This gave it more meaning and emotion.

7. We received feedback about the potential to improve our colour correction and colour grading. Using this feedback, we added an advanced sky replacement and a time lapse. We did this on after effects by duplicating the layer twice then applying the filter 'Colorama'. We then clicked the drop down output cycle and set the pre set to 'ramp grey'. We did this to create an alpha channel which makes it transparent, turning it white. We then clicked outside the arrow and added a black one to play with the channel to ensure the area we do not want is black and the area we do want is white. Then put a layer over the white.

8. We then applied the colorama effect again to the top copy and changed the track matte to luma inverted matte to take the white and make it transparent. The edges of the trees had to be tidied so a matte choker was applied and it was then the case of playing with the geometric softness so it looked realistic. 

Editing Changes

1. On all our flashback scenes, we put a 'gamma correction', 'echo' and 'leave colour' effect on. The gamma correction and leave colour effect made it look like it wasn't at a present time and was in fact in the past, whereas the echo effect made it look like a flashback.

2. Later on in the video, we added a blending shot. This saw our female actor looking like she's on the guitar, getting 'played' by the male actor, which has many aspects to it. We did this by cropping the shot so it only shows our female actor in the guitar instead of on the whole screen, as well as adjusting the scale of the shot to make it fit.
3. To make these shots blend in, we overlaid the shots together, and added a 'multiply' blend mode.

4. On the shot of our female actor walking out the room (on the flashback), we slowed it down in order to make the watcher feel the story more and realise how fed up and upset she really is. We did this by changing the 'speed/duration' to a lower %.

5. The shot of the sky changing colour was a very difficult one. It was done on after effects, which the 'change to colour' effect. I added time frames to change to several different colours, and changed all of the blue to the new colours shown on the clip. It gives the shot more excitement than just having a normal shot of the blue sky. Also, we added 'lighting effect' to give it a bit more brightness. However, this shot has now been removed.

6. For the shot of the image getting smaller and reversing, we overlaid 2 shots together twice, reversing it the second time. This was done by clicking on 'speed/duration', and clicking the box saying 'reverse'. Also, we made the image get smaller by overlapping and reducing the scale of the 2nd shot.

7. During the flashback containing the letter, we added a 'dip to black' effect. This showed the time effect of him having fun and him finding the letter, as well as portraying the darkness and disappointment inside him.

8. After finding the letter, we did an 'additive dissolve' whilst also showing 2 shots blended. This created emotion when singing the lines 'Why are we doing it anymore', showing his disappointment. This was done using the blend mode and blending it with the original shot.
9. We put a larger echo effect on our actor in the bathroom, when cleaning his face. This gives the watcher the idea that he is a different person to what he was, and 'doesn't recognise himself anymore'.

Website Feedback


  • Relevant Images that portray the correct star image. 
  • Good manipulation of images on Photoshop
  • Good information in the 'About' section gives fans a good insight to the road the artist has been to get to this point. 
  • Logos of hyperlinks to music downloads makes it relevant to the online age and also expands the range of people that can potentially access the music.
  • DigiPak on home section shows a good range of images and thought towards camera shots.
  • In the contact section, the image is great
  • Quote from big media company advertising new album '5 star' is great. 


  • Tour venues must be different and all over UK rather than just London
  • In the music section, change the picture and add the digipak
  • In the news section, the dates are wrong (2023)
  • In the about section, change the last paragraph to something more realistic. Upcoming artist, not a big artist yet. The picture for this section is too serious.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Gathering Audience Feedback

What is the point of doing a survey?

  • To find out what your audience wants to see in the type of video you are producing.
  • To help you make productions decisions that will attract your target audience 
  • To show you have developed a music video that is relevant to your target audience 
  • To show you have an understanding of audience in music video production
Types of Research:
  • Qualitative - This method of research questioning aims to discover their opinion and preferences of the target group. Questions in this type of research will be probing or open questions. 
  • Quantitative - This method of research questioning enables the gathering of figures or data. You will use this type of questioning when you want to record statistics on audience preferences. Closed questions are used in quantitative research. 
  • Both these methods should be used to gain a wider understanding of information from your target audience. 
When do you use Surveys?We have undertaken research into our target audience throughout all stages of the planning and production. This included the following:
  • Pre Production surveys - Before we began we researched into different types of genre and target audience. 
  • Interviews - we interviewed our potential target audience regarding our initial ideas
  • We got feedback from our target audience via our animatic and how we could improve it. Also received feedback about on main singer/artist and whether  he was effective.
  • We got feedback from first draft, second draft and final version. 

Focus Group

A focus group is a group of people who take part in a discussion about a certain topic or product before it has been launched/released. A focus group can also provide feedback to the makers of the product, so that they are able to make the necessary changes. This group allows all members to participate with each other during the discussion, and give a new range of ideas and perspectives.

In this case, we got feedback for several different things. These include our website, music video and digipak. We looked at the feedback provided by the focus group who in this case, was classmates and other classes (from a different year group). Allowing a different age group to give us feedback has given us the opportunity to take into account that our video must be perfect for different age groups rather than just one. Therefore, we listened to the feedback of different focus groups and attempted to adjust our products, in order to make them great for everyone.

Music Video Feedback

Thursday 1 March 2018

Sam Boyd Merchandise

When designing and pricing the merchandise, we took into consideration the types of people that would potentially purchase these items. From research into similar artists, we found that hoodies, t-shirts and caps were the most popular as they could be worn during many different social situations and were comfortable and fashionable. We have a range of colours for each design to accommodate for peoples different fasion preferences and we would not have taken this step into this investment if we did not believe there would be demand and high turnover for each product. In terms of pricing, we are aware that Sam is not a global superstar and is in fact an upcoming British artist therefore we have looked at similar artists and found an acceptable price range to market these products. We believe people would be willing to buy this merchandise because the ticket prices are minimal as well as the subsidised price of the items.