Wednesday 21 March 2018

Editing Changes

1. On all our flashback scenes, we put a 'gamma correction', 'echo' and 'leave colour' effect on. The gamma correction and leave colour effect made it look like it wasn't at a present time and was in fact in the past, whereas the echo effect made it look like a flashback.

2. Later on in the video, we added a blending shot. This saw our female actor looking like she's on the guitar, getting 'played' by the male actor, which has many aspects to it. We did this by cropping the shot so it only shows our female actor in the guitar instead of on the whole screen, as well as adjusting the scale of the shot to make it fit.
3. To make these shots blend in, we overlaid the shots together, and added a 'multiply' blend mode.

4. On the shot of our female actor walking out the room (on the flashback), we slowed it down in order to make the watcher feel the story more and realise how fed up and upset she really is. We did this by changing the 'speed/duration' to a lower %.

5. The shot of the sky changing colour was a very difficult one. It was done on after effects, which the 'change to colour' effect. I added time frames to change to several different colours, and changed all of the blue to the new colours shown on the clip. It gives the shot more excitement than just having a normal shot of the blue sky. Also, we added 'lighting effect' to give it a bit more brightness. However, this shot has now been removed.

6. For the shot of the image getting smaller and reversing, we overlaid 2 shots together twice, reversing it the second time. This was done by clicking on 'speed/duration', and clicking the box saying 'reverse'. Also, we made the image get smaller by overlapping and reducing the scale of the 2nd shot.

7. During the flashback containing the letter, we added a 'dip to black' effect. This showed the time effect of him having fun and him finding the letter, as well as portraying the darkness and disappointment inside him.

8. After finding the letter, we did an 'additive dissolve' whilst also showing 2 shots blended. This created emotion when singing the lines 'Why are we doing it anymore', showing his disappointment. This was done using the blend mode and blending it with the original shot.
9. We put a larger echo effect on our actor in the bathroom, when cleaning his face. This gives the watcher the idea that he is a different person to what he was, and 'doesn't recognise himself anymore'.

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