Thursday 29 September 2016

Editing Techniques

Editing Techniques

Continuity editing techniques - invisible editing use by Hollywood. Smooth transitions.

Eye line match - When we see someones eye line and what they are looking at.

Cross cutting - showing 2 different scenes at the same time in different locations.

Match on Action - What we see and the outcome of it. E.g. picking up and glass and then drinking from it

Cut away - Insertion of something to give it meaning. This is usually done at the demand of the character.

Jump Cut - A tiny cut in a sequence that moves the action forward. Deliberately meant to show the passing of time. This adds urgency to the scene.

Fade in/out - This is used to change a scene. It is often used in horror films.

Dissolve - One shot that blends into the next one. It also sows the passing of time.

Wipe - Transition of scenes in a windscreen wiper motion however can be done in many other ways, it is similar to animations in power points.

Sound Bridge - A piece of  music that links 2 scenes together. It is used to add continuity to a scene and make it look like there has been no editing.

Montage - Quick shots cut together to speed up time. Famously used in Rocky.

Split Screen - 2 actors in different locations on screen at the same time.

Flash back -  Going into someones mind to provide a scene of what they are thinking. It provides context and a backstory to the character.

Slow Motion - It builds suspense, usually used in fight scenes and Romantic comedies to exaggerate when couples reunite.

Pace - slow pace signifies sadness. The genre of the film is evident though the pace. Pace shown through dialogue when it is important to the narrative. Fast pace used for high intensity and action.

Shot Reverse Shot - Used to convey information via a conversation. Cutting between peoples shoulders when the other is speaking.

Reaction Shot - focus on a character and shows their reaction to a situation.

Camera Time - The amount o time the camera spends on a character. More time on camera = More importance.



M is a counter type and a masculine character. She is powerful and has authority.

Bond is powerful and heroic - The archetypal (inspirational person) male

Moneypenny is played as a stereotypical sidekick. Conforms to gender expectations by letting the man take the role however she has some power. This is shown when she breaks the windscreen and disobeys orders in doing so.

Analysing Camera, Sound, Editing and Mis-en Scene in selected Skyfall scenes


Behind character - tracking him, this represents that Bond is a leader. Over the shoulder shot shows Bond is a caring hero.
Wide shot sows Bond is powerful. When he camera is below him and looking up at him it show his power, authority and status. Bond shooting is used as a tracking shot showing he is the action hero.
The close up on M shows she is taking charge and then the quick switch between close up and birds eye view represents danger.


Bond is not in charge and is following orders from M - The diegetic voice over. The non diegetic music shows that he is casing someone and is heroic for doing so, it also creates tension. The aggressive diegetic sound when M tells Bond to leave the man to die shows she is heartless. The diegetic dialogue shows Bond is in control and is superior. The non diegetic sound confirms heroism.


Eye line match demonstrates he is searching for a stolen object. The match on action shows he is a hero. The cross cutting shows M is in control and is ordering Bond. This is countertyical of societal norms. Cross cutting also shows that Bond is fast, calm and successful under pressure. The eye line match shows the danger Bond is putting himself in. He has strength, determination and is a hero.

Mis-en Scene

Bonds suit shows his importance and his authoritative status. The props he uses e.g. gun, sponge and laptop shows the agency invest in his talents. The other prop is when the car comes to pick him up as soon as he exits the building. Furthermore, M has her own office where she can see everyone in he office, this evokes power and authority. The societal norms are put into realism again when they show stereotypical female driving when moneypenny breaks both wing mirrors. When Bond takes over the wheel after she does this, it shows he is fearless, experienced. This also shows that there is a continued patriarchal society.

The 180 Degree Rule

The 180 Degree Rule

Image result for 180 degree rule

The only way to break the 180 degree rule is by showing movement. This can be done by tracking, steady cam or panning. To change the 180 degree rule, you can also switch to another character and then cut back as his helps establish continuity.

Eye line match - someone isnt breaking the 180 degree rule

Kill Bill Volume 2

Kill Bill Volume 2

Sound in Scene 1:
Heavy breathing - panic
Drilling - no escape
soft music - western
Slurping of drink - beer, shows power, typical hillbilly
Gasping/panting - fear
Crickets - isolated locations
Dirt falling on wood - burned alive
Laughter - No mercy
Truck driving - rednecks
Hammering nails - extinguishes hope
Torch clicking - torch out = hope gone
Feet being dragged

Scene 2
Music - Hope, triumphant, increases in pace the closer she gets to escape
Sound of her trying - grunting
Calmness once found knife in shoe
Heavy gasps of air as she reaches the surface
Non diegetic music stops because she is triumphant
Light becomes brighter shows optimism and hope
Props - Knife and Torch
Coffin looks bigger in this scene
Extreme close up further emphasises determination
Close up to feet shows there is something important in her shoe
Eyeline match - urging resources to escape

Mis-en Scene

Mis-en Scene


Costume - personality, era, importance, class and status
Lighting - Shows if characters good or bad by creating shadows, low key lighting is sad and high lighting is good
Actors - Movement, posture, expression and gestures
Makeup - representation of what they have previously been through and shows a characters health
Props - Posters, table, chairs, computers, folders, guns. Any object used in the film


Diegetic - sound that the actors can hear
Non diegetic - Sound that the actors cant here
Synchronous - sounds that match the action on the screen
Asynchronous - sound that doesn't match the action on the screen
Contrapuntal - sounds that are opposite to the scene

Semiotics - The study of signs and symbols

Signifier + Signified = The Sign

Signifer = The object
Signified = What the object represents
Sign = Cultural connotations of the object.

Poster Analysis

Friday 23 September 2016

Poster Analysis - Rule of Thirds and CLAMPS

Image result for film posters

Image result for FAMOUS film posters
The designer has used a typical writing picture writing frame when setting out this poster. The rule of thirds is used effectively as the eye line of the main characters is on the line of the top third, this is the place the person looking at it places their eyes on first. The costume in the poster is effective as the blood on the characters shirt signifies hes been in some form of danger, this gives the viewer an idea of what the film is about. The bright lighting in the background of the poster represents the daring side of Vegas and the characters go on wild nights to take advantage of what it has to offer. The makeup on the characters is used effectively as it makes the middle character seem very tired and drowsy, this gives an impression that the film involves drugs and violence because of the blooded cut on his lip. The glasses on the  man and the baby on the left imply that there is an element of comedy in this film and opens a mystery of why a man has a baby strapped to him in Vegas? The poster tells us where this film is set. The actors facial expressions with the clothes and props signify that this a typical lads trip to Vegas and we should expect that of this film!

This poster is effective as it uses the rule of thirds. The top left corner which is where the majority  of people focus first is were the villeins eyes are placed. It is clear that the people positioned at the top corners of the image are characters you're supposed to like as they are smaller as well as the grin they are making, it is mysterious and evil. This is a typical poster as the writing is in the bottom third which is the area of the least importance. The main message of the poster tells you that the boy is in trouble and these two men are coming after him in some way. The boy is wearing a red jumper which signifies danger and the man in the top left corner is wearing a plain black hat to imply he is dangerous and could commit a crime. The facial expression of the boy represents danger and fear as the mouth is wide open and  his hands are on his face to represent sock.  The setting in the background shows Christmas lights. The lights contrast the picture as it is supposed to be a happy  time of year however violent events take place!

Image result for film posters

Designer has applied the rule of thirds in this poster by positioning the character in the top third, this is where the most important things are placed as it catches the readers attention the most.  Costume is important as it is formal and shows his importance within the film. He is the only character in the poster which signifies is outlining importance in the film.  His dark outfit with the light background contrasts the character with the background to make him stand out.  The gun is used as a prop to show the film is violent and murders will take place. He is also not looking at the camera and is pointing the gun at someone else which implies he has an enemy he wants to kill.  The setting of the Eiffel tower and the burning city represents there is danger and things are getting damages throughout the film.


Friday 16 September 2016

Introduction to me

Introduction to me:

A bit about me

I'm Louis Martin, I'm 16 years old and I go to JFS in North West London. I have 2 brothers, one older and one twin. I love watching and playing football and golf with my friends and family. I support Arsenal and I enjoy going to most home matches.   

Why I studied media

I chose to study media because I have an interest in the power that the media has on people and the way it can alter peoples opinions on certain subjects e.g. politics. I listen to the radio every night and I keep up to date with al the news using social MEDIA.

Favourite film

Nerve is my favourite film because it incorporates danger, money and technology together with relatable characters. It has gripping scenes where you sit right on the edge of your seat. The camera angles are very impressive as they tell the story without words or expressions. It is clear by the camera angles who are the most important characters as well as who the director invests the most camera time in.

Favourite music

Image result for arsenal unbeatablesMy favourite type of music is RnB because I like the beats and the pace of the song is exciting and mood lifting. My favourite artist is Drake. I listen to music every day on the radio or on my phone.
Image result for Drake Views