Thursday 29 September 2016

Kill Bill Volume 2

Kill Bill Volume 2

Sound in Scene 1:
Heavy breathing - panic
Drilling - no escape
soft music - western
Slurping of drink - beer, shows power, typical hillbilly
Gasping/panting - fear
Crickets - isolated locations
Dirt falling on wood - burned alive
Laughter - No mercy
Truck driving - rednecks
Hammering nails - extinguishes hope
Torch clicking - torch out = hope gone
Feet being dragged

Scene 2
Music - Hope, triumphant, increases in pace the closer she gets to escape
Sound of her trying - grunting
Calmness once found knife in shoe
Heavy gasps of air as she reaches the surface
Non diegetic music stops because she is triumphant
Light becomes brighter shows optimism and hope
Props - Knife and Torch
Coffin looks bigger in this scene
Extreme close up further emphasises determination
Close up to feet shows there is something important in her shoe
Eyeline match - urging resources to escape

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