Friday 23 September 2016

Poster Analysis - Rule of Thirds and CLAMPS

Image result for film posters

Image result for FAMOUS film posters
The designer has used a typical writing picture writing frame when setting out this poster. The rule of thirds is used effectively as the eye line of the main characters is on the line of the top third, this is the place the person looking at it places their eyes on first. The costume in the poster is effective as the blood on the characters shirt signifies hes been in some form of danger, this gives the viewer an idea of what the film is about. The bright lighting in the background of the poster represents the daring side of Vegas and the characters go on wild nights to take advantage of what it has to offer. The makeup on the characters is used effectively as it makes the middle character seem very tired and drowsy, this gives an impression that the film involves drugs and violence because of the blooded cut on his lip. The glasses on the  man and the baby on the left imply that there is an element of comedy in this film and opens a mystery of why a man has a baby strapped to him in Vegas? The poster tells us where this film is set. The actors facial expressions with the clothes and props signify that this a typical lads trip to Vegas and we should expect that of this film!

This poster is effective as it uses the rule of thirds. The top left corner which is where the majority  of people focus first is were the villeins eyes are placed. It is clear that the people positioned at the top corners of the image are characters you're supposed to like as they are smaller as well as the grin they are making, it is mysterious and evil. This is a typical poster as the writing is in the bottom third which is the area of the least importance. The main message of the poster tells you that the boy is in trouble and these two men are coming after him in some way. The boy is wearing a red jumper which signifies danger and the man in the top left corner is wearing a plain black hat to imply he is dangerous and could commit a crime. The facial expression of the boy represents danger and fear as the mouth is wide open and  his hands are on his face to represent sock.  The setting in the background shows Christmas lights. The lights contrast the picture as it is supposed to be a happy  time of year however violent events take place!

Image result for film posters

Designer has applied the rule of thirds in this poster by positioning the character in the top third, this is where the most important things are placed as it catches the readers attention the most.  Costume is important as it is formal and shows his importance within the film. He is the only character in the poster which signifies is outlining importance in the film.  His dark outfit with the light background contrasts the character with the background to make him stand out.  The gun is used as a prop to show the film is violent and murders will take place. He is also not looking at the camera and is pointing the gun at someone else which implies he has an enemy he wants to kill.  The setting of the Eiffel tower and the burning city represents there is danger and things are getting damages throughout the film.


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