Thursday 29 September 2016



M is a counter type and a masculine character. She is powerful and has authority.

Bond is powerful and heroic - The archetypal (inspirational person) male

Moneypenny is played as a stereotypical sidekick. Conforms to gender expectations by letting the man take the role however she has some power. This is shown when she breaks the windscreen and disobeys orders in doing so.

Analysing Camera, Sound, Editing and Mis-en Scene in selected Skyfall scenes


Behind character - tracking him, this represents that Bond is a leader. Over the shoulder shot shows Bond is a caring hero.
Wide shot sows Bond is powerful. When he camera is below him and looking up at him it show his power, authority and status. Bond shooting is used as a tracking shot showing he is the action hero.
The close up on M shows she is taking charge and then the quick switch between close up and birds eye view represents danger.


Bond is not in charge and is following orders from M - The diegetic voice over. The non diegetic music shows that he is casing someone and is heroic for doing so, it also creates tension. The aggressive diegetic sound when M tells Bond to leave the man to die shows she is heartless. The diegetic dialogue shows Bond is in control and is superior. The non diegetic sound confirms heroism.


Eye line match demonstrates he is searching for a stolen object. The match on action shows he is a hero. The cross cutting shows M is in control and is ordering Bond. This is countertyical of societal norms. Cross cutting also shows that Bond is fast, calm and successful under pressure. The eye line match shows the danger Bond is putting himself in. He has strength, determination and is a hero.

Mis-en Scene

Bonds suit shows his importance and his authoritative status. The props he uses e.g. gun, sponge and laptop shows the agency invest in his talents. The other prop is when the car comes to pick him up as soon as he exits the building. Furthermore, M has her own office where she can see everyone in he office, this evokes power and authority. The societal norms are put into realism again when they show stereotypical female driving when moneypenny breaks both wing mirrors. When Bond takes over the wheel after she does this, it shows he is fearless, experienced. This also shows that there is a continued patriarchal society.

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