Thursday 29 September 2016

Editing Techniques

Editing Techniques

Continuity editing techniques - invisible editing use by Hollywood. Smooth transitions.

Eye line match - When we see someones eye line and what they are looking at.

Cross cutting - showing 2 different scenes at the same time in different locations.

Match on Action - What we see and the outcome of it. E.g. picking up and glass and then drinking from it

Cut away - Insertion of something to give it meaning. This is usually done at the demand of the character.

Jump Cut - A tiny cut in a sequence that moves the action forward. Deliberately meant to show the passing of time. This adds urgency to the scene.

Fade in/out - This is used to change a scene. It is often used in horror films.

Dissolve - One shot that blends into the next one. It also sows the passing of time.

Wipe - Transition of scenes in a windscreen wiper motion however can be done in many other ways, it is similar to animations in power points.

Sound Bridge - A piece of  music that links 2 scenes together. It is used to add continuity to a scene and make it look like there has been no editing.

Montage - Quick shots cut together to speed up time. Famously used in Rocky.

Split Screen - 2 actors in different locations on screen at the same time.

Flash back -  Going into someones mind to provide a scene of what they are thinking. It provides context and a backstory to the character.

Slow Motion - It builds suspense, usually used in fight scenes and Romantic comedies to exaggerate when couples reunite.

Pace - slow pace signifies sadness. The genre of the film is evident though the pace. Pace shown through dialogue when it is important to the narrative. Fast pace used for high intensity and action.

Shot Reverse Shot - Used to convey information via a conversation. Cutting between peoples shoulders when the other is speaking.

Reaction Shot - focus on a character and shows their reaction to a situation.

Camera Time - The amount o time the camera spends on a character. More time on camera = More importance.

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