Thursday 29 September 2016

Mis-en Scene

Mis-en Scene


Costume - personality, era, importance, class and status
Lighting - Shows if characters good or bad by creating shadows, low key lighting is sad and high lighting is good
Actors - Movement, posture, expression and gestures
Makeup - representation of what they have previously been through and shows a characters health
Props - Posters, table, chairs, computers, folders, guns. Any object used in the film


Diegetic - sound that the actors can hear
Non diegetic - Sound that the actors cant here
Synchronous - sounds that match the action on the screen
Asynchronous - sound that doesn't match the action on the screen
Contrapuntal - sounds that are opposite to the scene

Semiotics - The study of signs and symbols

Signifier + Signified = The Sign

Signifer = The object
Signified = What the object represents
Sign = Cultural connotations of the object.

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