Tuesday 6 June 2017

Conventions of a Music Video 2

Conventions of a music video include the following;

  • Music video contains a series of events that both make sense to the audience and appear to be unified in time and space. So as to ensure repeated viewings and the effective marketing of the band/artist and song, the narrative code must be loose or simply suggestive rather than realistic or detailed. 
  • A band performance - adds a degree of authenticity and is filled with lip syncing, close ups, mimed instrument playing, repetition of chorus shots to enhance repeat-ability, unusual camera shots and angles. 
  • Conventions of a solo artist performer - many of the above conventions included as well as choreographed dance routines and a first person mode which directly engages the viewer through many different shots including close ups which include eye rolling and gesturing. This allows for the solo artist to become part of the narrative. 

Arcade Fire - Everything Now

The narrative of this music video was about them in a mysterious/isolated location surrounded by abandoned children in the middle of the desert. It is designed to make you ask questions about the video and is used as a way for people to interact with one another about it.
This music video sold the band as an indie pop band who seek to be different from others as a way of standing out. The mysterious edge in their music video is their USP and makes people interested and therefore purchase their songs. I feel this music video is targeted in the 20-30 age bracket as they are at a stage where they will still watch music videos and also old enough to appreciate indie culture.

Foo Fighters - Run

This music video is authentic because it is counter typical of stereotypical rock lovers as they portray old people as rebellious and aggressive with connotations of anger and violence. Rock fans also like how it appeals to all ages.

It would appeal to all ages because of its humour and typical rock vibe in comparison to other rock videos that all tell the same story, this portrays it in a different way.

Conventions of a band performance music video in this are the lip syncing, mimed instrument playing, repetition of the chorus and unusual camera shots. These conventions make it authentic and give it a clear structure and a reason for its enjoyment.

Katy Perry - Roar

A lot of first person address as she is talking to the audience by directly addressing the camera, this allows her to actor as the solo actor to tell the story of the video. A lot of close ups and low angles designed to sell her star image. The lyrics match the video.

Pop music videos use brighter colours to appeal to their target audience of young people. Visual effects used to encourage us to watch it again. Lots of eye rolling and gesturing to attract us and make her seem sexier and more approachable. Lots of lip syncing because she is the star. No instrument playing shows focus is solely on her and she is the star and not a musician. Male gaze and scopophilia show her star image as well as the music being cut to the beat.

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