Friday 16 June 2017

Learning how to make an album cover using photoshop

We are re-creating this cover using photoshop

How we did it:

  • Cropped outside of original image until it was only the face remaining. Used the posterise tool to do this. This flattened the image.
  • Then selected black ad white tool to make the picture black and white.
  •  I then lowered the tone to level 2 so there was less detail in the image,
  • I then used the drag and drop tool to insert the crying image. I used the magic wand tool to rasterise the layer so there is only red left. 
  • I then got rid of the white background and changed the angle of the picture to make it seem more like she is crying. 
  • Then used rubber tool to shape the tears to make it seem realistic. 
  • Then used colour balance tool to change the colour of the tears to blue from red. 
  • Then used ellipse tool to create circles. 
  • Made the circles the correct colour and duplicated the layer 9 times so i was left with the 10 circles i needed.
  • Then dragged the circles to the correct places like they are in the original poster. 
  • Finally changed opacity to 60% to make the circles transparent. 

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