Thursday 8 June 2017

Poster Analysis

Image result for londons calling album cover
They are represented as organic through the use of green in their title. Organic because they are pictured in a gig playing live music with an instrument which portrays them as musicians rather than just artists. Smashing of guitar represents anger through the type of music they are playing - seriousness about their music. Clothing shows they are organic through the ripped clothing and the dark nature of the colour of the clothing. Cables on the stage shows the lack of authenticity about their band and that they do not need to do things by the book. Cover of album represents the band as part of rock history because it references Elvis Presley`s cover of 1955, same setting and same font doing the same thing.

Image result for nicki minaj album cover

Selling herself through her looks through lack of clothing and position of her legs as well as her cleavage. Synthetic through the bright colours as well as the facial expressions shows she isn't serious as she looks surprised and shocked. Selling her image through the use of stars above her name. Her name is more important than the song. Clothing is baby doll like as well as revealing and informal to show off her star image and expose her body. Colours are synthetic.

Ariana Grande - Yours truly:

  • The bright vibrant colours are used to connote the idea that she is synthetic. The Pink is used to attract a young mainstream pop audience of girls.
  • Flowers are used to reflect the synthetic nature of the artist as it draws attention to her innocence as an artist.
  • Her title of the album is the same size and font, showing that the album is not selling the music but also selling herself as an artist. This also shows that she is an established name as she is a big mainstream artist
  • High - key lighting is used as a spot light around the singer, which sells herself and her star image
  • The artist is looking directly at the camera, highlighting that she is selling her looks rather than the actual music itself.
  • Her stance represents her to be innocent and young which is also her intended target audience.

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